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Deanna G.
Frankfort, IL
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15 Years of experience

I love to travel and be outdoors. I enjoy being active. My favorite types of photography are weddings and events. I also love working with families of all ages. I try to be extremely creative and do a great job editing.

Awards, honors and recognition

Awesome reviews from my clients!

A fun fact about me

I am very active! I have climbed mountains out west and I enjoy camping. I love to dance and I can do trick with hula hoops.

Equipment & Languages

Languages Spoken:



Cannon d5, Cannon rebel sl2


Cannon 50mm 1.8, 70-200 2.8, 28-105 2.8 , 35- 135mm 1:4- 5.6,

I am good with…


Large Groups


Suggesting Poses

Going the Extra Mile

Candid Moments

My Portfolio Select a shoot type to preview more photos.


12 photos


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How it Works

  1. Book.

    Quickly find a top-rated photographer near you. Then book the right one for your special moment with a few simple clicks.

  2. Shoot.

    Relax and enjoy the moment as an experienced photographer captures it. They’ll take care of all the details.

  3. Enjoy!

    Within 2 business days of your photoshoot, you'll be able to view, download and share. Enjoy it all again and again.